PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Church vs School

In school, they used to require signed notes explaining absences. What would happen if we had our signed notes of absence read before the congregation?
• “Please excuse Johnny from Bible class last Sunday morning. He watched a real good movie the night before and was too tired to make it.”
• “Please excuse Sally from church last week, we had company. We asked them if they wanted to come with us. They didn’t. So we became like them and stayed away too.”
• “Please excuse Billy, just because.”
• “Please excuse Donna, she doesn’t like her teacher.”
• “Please excuse Shirley, the rest of the family didn’t want to go either.”
• “Please excuse our Sunday night absence. We ate too much for lunch and fell asleep.”
Do you think these “excuses” (they are not reasons) would be accepted in school? How about where we work? Then why is it we can so easily excuse ourselves, placating our consciences, from edifying each other and praising God?

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