PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Proverbs 5 – Six Earthly Consequences to Adultery

| September 27, 2010

Death (5:5) – Proverbs 5:5 HCSB  Her feet go down to death; her steps head straight for Sheol. Honor or Vitality (5:9) – Proverbs 5:9 HCSB  Otherwise, you will give up your vitality to others and your years to someone cruel; Financial Loss (5:10) – Proverbs 5:10 HCSB  strangers will drain your resources, and your […]

2 Corinthians 4:6 – Chaos Into Order

| September 25, 2010

God said, “Light shall shine out of darkness” (2 Corinthians 4:6).  That sounds like Paul is referencing creation when God said, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:2).  Yet the message to the Corinthians was not a lesson in apologetics or history; but rather, spiritual order: For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” […]

1 Timothy 1:13 – Heart, Mouth, Fists

| September 11, 2010

We are often our most arrogant when defending our own humility.  What made me think of that little thought are the various translations of 1 Timothy 1:13. The NASB reads, “violent aggressor” which suggests at least in my mind, physical and bodily force. However the HCSB and ESV read quite differently: arrogant man (HCSB) and insolent […]

Perryism – Respect (Philippians 2:3)

| September 11, 2010

It is harder to respect those with whom we disagree because of the too high degree of respect we have for ourselves.

Acts 2:21 – Is “The Sinner’s Prayer” a Lie? – Article

| September 5, 2010

Is it possible to believe a lie? Is it dangerous to believe a lie? Can we die spiritually because we believe a lie? If anyone doubts the truth that Satan preaches lies, then they have not read the Bible with an honest heart. Jesus Himself denounces Satan as the father of lies (Jn.8:44). Jesus speaks […]

Genesis 3 – Doubt

| September 5, 2010

Few emotions are more powerful than doubt. The power produced can be productive, paralyzing, or destructive. It is an emotion that can lead to a better understanding of God and His word; or disillusionment with what we think we know about God can make us fall down and fall away. Doubt can either build or […]

Perryism – 1 Timothy 1:15 – Radical Religion

| September 1, 2010

The greatest religious radical was the greatest law keeper who saves the greatest lawbreakers if they obey the great gospel of grace (Acts 20:24; Romans 10:16; 1 Timothy 1:15). How radical is that?! How great is that?!