PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Peter 3:1ff – You Can’t Use That For This

| May 31, 2019

The woman is a believer, but her husband is not – or else is not a faithful believer (1 Peter 3:1ff). And what example does Peter give for the woman to pattern her behavior after? Sarah and Abraham – A power couple of the covenant of faith!Sarah and Abraham? Wasn’t he a believer? Isn’t his […]

Hebrews 13:17 – Elders Lead to that Eternal City

| May 31, 2019

A congregation can get a lot done organizationally without elders. Ironically that encourages groups to think, “We’re doing fine without elders.” Sadly too many – including elders – see their job as simply organizing. Having been an elder, organizing is often best handled by delegating most of that to deacons and other servants. As one […]

James 2 – The Law of Liberty

| May 31, 2019

The phrase “the law of liberty” (James 2:12) has always intrigued me, possibly because of being unsure what it meant. Contextually it is connected to several thoughts (James 2-13):1. The law of liberty is chiastically connected to “the royal law”.2. The royal law is the 2nd Great Command. 3. Emphasis on “royal” shows this humanly focused […]

Matthew 6:14-15 – Why Must We Forgive? 

| May 31, 2019

Matthew 6:14-15 – “For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.” (CSB)Is Jesus saying we cannot be forgiven unless we forgive? Yes! But do we know why? Let’s go beyond the theological debates and get […]

James 2 – No Works No Faith

| May 31, 2019

Can we have faith without works? That’s the apparent and common understanding of what James is saying in James 2. But could James be using sarcasm to show that if you actually say you have faith but works, you actually do not even have faith? Notice the language James uses and does not use:• James […]

I Don’t Like Revelation

| May 26, 2019

I don’t like Revelation. Not because of what I don’t understand; but because of what I do. “Jesus wins” is the ultimate lesson. But that leaves out so much. Jesus wins unconventionally as a lion that is a lamb slain, that signifies how unconventionally Jesus wins – through suffering. But why must there be suffering? 1) Because there […]

The Better Argument Against Instrumental Music

| May 26, 2019

Despite history showing instrumental music was not part of worshiping God for the majority of A.D. worship. And despite the hermeneutical arguments concerning silence and exclusion. Neither way is probably the the strongest argument against instrumental music in worship.When we view ourselves and bodies as the temple, then that strongly implies IM is inferior to […]

Revelation Outline

| May 24, 2019

I don’t know more about Revelation than I do know. Is it about Jerusalem? Is it about Rome? Often when presented with “either or” I have found “both and” to be more probable. What I do know is Jesus is victorious through suffering, and not through worldly power. So consider this oversimplified “both and” outline: [ […]

The Outside of the Universe

| May 24, 2019

In my High School Bible class I asked them the following question: “According to science, is the universe finite?” The answer is yes, because as light and energy expand from the original “Big Bang”, scientists state the universe is growing. Hmmm.If the universe is expanding, then…the simple and obvious question becomes “What is on the […]

What Word Do You Need To Hear?

| May 20, 2019

The “apostle of love” spoke eloquently, practically, and frequently of God’s agape love. God’s mind over emotion was learned by His children. His love was beyond conventional wisdom and appearance. John wrote deeply on love, that is, until his last writing, the Revelation. There, surprisingly, that divine word, with Jesus speaking it, appears only twice. […]