PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Perryism – Surprisingly Goliath is half Jewish because his father Phil is a Stein.

| March 3, 2021

The difference between martial arts and marital is where you place “I”.

| February 9, 2018

Perryism – When God said “Let there be light” that was a brilliant way to begin.

| October 11, 2016

Perryism – The root of bitterness (Heb.12:15) and the Branch of the Lord (Isa.4:2) grew into the tree of Calvary (1 Pet.2:24).

| October 19, 2015

Perryism – Make the most important day in your marriage not be the wedding day, but the Judgment Day.

| October 19, 2015

Perryism – Jesus literally loved people to death.

| October 19, 2015

Perryism – Jesus is in an arranged marriage.

| September 23, 2015

Perryism – I looked in the mirror and what did I see? The faults of everyone else, but never me.

| September 23, 2015

Perryism – Since bird is a four letter word is it fowl language?

| September 23, 2015

Perryism – Some miss church because physically they are not there; others miss church because emotionally they are there.

| September 23, 2015