PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Do You Know These People?

Do You Know These People? 
Do you know these people outside of their familiar setting?
1. Active “Abuse” – “I want what you have”. They did something to another they shouldn’t have. The first used greed as motive to hurt.
2. Passive “Neglect” – “I don’t want to lose what I have”. They didn’t do the thing they should have. The second used religion as motive to not help.
3. Victimless “Victim” – “I don’t focus on how others make me an ‘other’ or a ‘them'”. He did what he didn’t have to, wasn’t expected to, but was right and good. The third is who we want to think we are (but are we?). 
4. Self-inflicted “Victim” – “I want to feel good about myself, even if it means I don’t do good to you.” This person asked a question he thought he knew the answer to, but didn’t. The fourth person is often who we are, but don’t think we are.
Do you recognize these four types of people in their familiar setting? They are found in Luke 10. 
1. These are the theives.
2. These are the priest and Levite who passed on the other side, probably to keep themselves ceremonially clean.
3. These are the Good Samaritans who do not let past racial, religious, national, historical hurts define how they will treat others. This one proved he loved his neighbor because had compassion and showed costly mercy.
4. These are those who use God’s word to find loopholes. This expert in the law “went around” the law much like the priest and Levite “went around” on the other side (Luke 10:31-32).
When the Torah lawyer asked Jesus “who is my neighbor” to justify himself, he got taught a most unexpected lesson by his self-inflicted question. Looking back, do you know these people? Sometimes we meet them in the most unexpected places, like the mirror.

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