PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 1:1-5 – Chiasm and Lessons

| July 26, 2019

There are days I wish I could spend doing nothing else than seeing the structures, including the chiastic structures, within the Bible. (ASV) A – TIME CREATED: 1) In the beginning B – PHYSICAL DUALITY: God created the heavens and the earth. C – DISORDER: 2) And the earth was waste and void; D – […]

Revelation 13:4 – Why Is Ecumenism Right Today?

| July 26, 2019

David Suhor from the Satanic Temple delivered a unique invocation after several minutes of protester disruption at a Pensacola City Council meeting on July 14, 2016. Most Americans agree that is going too far. But most Americans don’t go far enough.“Jesus is the way” people will clamor, even if people don’t recognize Jesus as the […]

Matthew 7:12 – Fundamental Misunderstandings of the Golden Rule

| July 25, 2019

Fundamental Misunderstandings of the Golden Rule Do we have a fundamental misconception of one of Jesus’s fundamental “rules”?“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is another way of phrasing the 2nd Great Command – “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The difference between them is “love” is worded as action – “do”. First […]

John – The Gospel of Witnessing

| July 25, 2019

If one of the gospel books is about testifying or witnessing, it is John. Thirty-one times martureo is used in John, versus once in Matthew, once in Luke, and zero times in Mark. Here are 2 uses which go back to the legal requirement of needing 2 or 3 witnesses: • ““If I testify about myself, […]

Why Unleavened Bread?

| July 25, 2019

Our congregation, as do most, uses unleavened bread for communion. The Greek Orthodox Church uses leavened bread. Quakers don’t generally use either as they don’t observe the Lord’s supper. Our question is, why should we use unleavened bread? The reason for this query is the recognized fact that every time the Bible discusses communion, the […]

How is Jesus’ Baptism Similar and Different From Ours?

| July 25, 2019

How is Jesus’s baptism similar, and then different from ours? What meaning should we get from His for ours? Similarities: 1. Water is involved (Mt.3:13; Acts 10:47). 2. Connected to righteousness (Mt.3:15; Romans 5-6). 3. The Holy Spirit is received (Mt.3:16; Acts 2:38). 4. There is a declaration of sonship (Mt.3:17; Galatians 3:25-29). 5. Both […]

Don’t Get Baptized

| July 25, 2019

Don’t get baptized if all you are focused on is getting past sins forgiven so you can have a future eternity in Heaven. That’s not enough. That’s not biblical. That’s not the gospel. Don’t get baptized if that is what you are thinking. What’s missing? You’ve got the past right, forgiveness of sins. You’ve got the […]

You can’t be saved by the cross without submitting to the throne.

| July 25, 2019

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice on the world wide web to deceive” (Not Quite Walter Scott)

| July 25, 2019

1 Corinthians 15:1-2 – Do We Believe the Gospel?

| July 25, 2019

What does it mean to believe the gospel?Belief is not easy. Nor is it a one time event. To help us understand, first notice Paul states twice the same fact of what he did (1 Corinthians15:1-2): • PAUL (v.1) “Now I make known unto you brethren, the gospel which I preached unto you”• PAUL (V.2) “which […]