PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts 8:3 – Ravaging the Church

| September 27, 2013

In Acts 8:3, Paul “ravaged” the church. Some versions read, “destroyed.” The word lumainomai (used only here) is more than physical damage. It means to treat shamefully, to affix a stigma, to treat as unholy, to dishonor. Paul’s actions were holy in his eyes, unknowingly fulfilling the prophecy of John 16:2 (HCSB) “They will ban […]

Genesis through Revelation in 3 Sentences

| September 26, 2013

God in heaven created mankind to rule the earth, and then Satan enters the earth, mankind sins, and is cursed by the earth being cursed and over-ruling mankind. Satan now rules the earth. Jesus comes to earth to remove the curse of man’s sin and remove the curse on the earth by defeating the ruler […]

1 Samuel 15 – Praying through the Bible #91 – A Prayer that Feels God’s Pain

| September 26, 2013

Are we so tuned in to God, that God’s pain fills our prayers? Such is Samuel in his connection with His creator. Such is our goal, even when the result is anger. Again Saul disobeys and disappoints. I pause to self-reflect. God’s order to Saul I would find difficult to obey; but the difficult part […]

Perryism – Many who shoot their mouths off have brains filled with blanks.

| September 25, 2013

1 Samuel 14 – Praying through the Bible #90 – A Prayer to Find Someone to Blame

| September 25, 2013

Arrogance blinds so that everything good is about us, and nothing bad ever is. Blame is the name of the game, and the finger always points outwardly. Saul’s story is abrupt and kinetic at the beginning, and as incoherent as his mind. One mistake of Saul is he makes everyone abide by his rash vow […]

Perryism – We assemble, to better resemble; we say a prayer, in the name we share; we praise in song, forgiven of all wrong; we study God’s word, His promise we’ve heard; we observe communion, as His reunion; we contribute, His grace to distribute; we share love, as children from above; we here leave, to show the world we believe.

| September 22, 2013

1 Samuel 12 – Praying through the Bible #89 – A Prayer of Non-judgmental Judgment

| September 17, 2013

I confess, reading 1 Samuel 12 makes me uncomfortable. I wonder if my first reaction, a natural reaction, even a spiritual reaction, is not God’s reaction. It makes me question what I think is black and white; and makes me wonder if I am too easily judgmental. Samuel is “retiring.” So he asks all of […]

John 9;11 – Does God Treat Strangers Better than His Friends?

| September 17, 2013

Jesus heals the blind man, a complete stranger, for the glory of God (Jn.9:3); and then does not heal his friend whom He loves, Lazarus, both for the glory of God (Jn.11:4) and because Jesus loves Lazarus, Martha and Mary (Jn.11:5-6). In the eyes of mere humans, Jesus treats the Blind man better than He […]

John 11:16; 20:24-25 – Thomas the Twin

| September 14, 2013

Thomas the Twin – Always, I considered Thomas having the nickname, Didymus, simply meant he had a twin brother. And I wondered if his brother was a believer, even though not of the Twelve. But could there be another reason? Commenting on John 11:16, “Did St. John intend us to see any significance in this […]

Paul’s Epistles

| September 13, 2013

Paul’s inspired epistles often begin by describing Jesus and the gospel and end with practical applications. Today we usually go about it backwards. We first tell how to have harmony in a church or family, when people are not spiritually equipped. Instead, first tell them Who Jesus is, what He did, so we can become […]