PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

2 Chronicles 30 – Praying through the Bible #138 – A Prayer of Atonement

| September 30, 2014

Unity is a joy; worship a privilege. Ending religious division takes work, often ending in partial success. Restoring right ways takes work, of the hands and heart; often the heart heals faster than the hands can work. Becoming king, Hezekiah sends couriers north, inviting apostates passed over in the Assyrian deportation. Despite their spiritually rebellious […]

1 Thessalonians 1:3; 5:8 – Faith, Love, and Hope – The Trinity of Virtues

| September 25, 2014

Faith, Love and Hope – The Trinity of Virtues Certain words almost always go together. Say “The Declaration” and people think, “of Independence.” If “Its raining cats” it also raining “dogs.” It’s almost impossible to think of “Yankee Doodle” without “Dandy.” When you hear “Good things come” what do you think of? “Good things come […]

Deuteronomy 6:5; John 14:15 – Why Loving God Good for God

| September 19, 2014

I find this profound, and I hope you do to. We are told to love God. To love means to seek the best of the other. Therefore if we are commanded to love God, we are commanded to seek the best for God. What can we give God that He needs? Nothing, but we can […]

Humor – About An Argument With A Woman

| September 19, 2014

Its about what its about, or its about what its not about but was about, or its about to be about another about, or its not about what its about and you are about to find out what its really about, or she tells you if you don’t know what its about then its about […]

1 Corinthians 1:1; 1 Thessalonians 1:1 – The Power of a Preposition

| September 18, 2014

“Further, there is an interesting observation here which stresses the point made in the introductory remarks about writing to real people in real life situations. To note this, compare 1:1 with 1 Corinthians 1:2. Do you see any difference? Here Paul wrote, “to the church of the Thessalonians in God,” but in 1 Corinthians he […]

Hebrews 1:1-2 – Prayer and Reading Have Replace Prophet and Priest

| September 18, 2014

Prayer and reading have replaced the prophet and priest. When we pray we speak to God. When we read God speaks to us. The prophet was speech from God coming downward. The priest was speech through sacrifice going upward. The prophet says God wishes to be heard. The priest says the people wish to be […]

Romans 4:4-5; 2 Corinthians 5:10 – No Verse Contains All Truth

| September 18, 2014

There is not one verse that contains all the truth on any topic. That rule might be overly simplistic, maybe not. But are we too quick to take only one narrow view on a topic because we contrast verses instead of seeing them complement one another? For example, salvation is free. We cannot earn it. […]

2 Corinthians 5:1-10 – Is Paul Speaking of the Disembodied State?

| September 17, 2014

God created man to have a body. Various people have said something to the effect, “You do not have a soul, you are soul;” or “You are not a body with a spirit, you are a spirit with a body.” Both contain truth, but may the most accurate is that we are a body, a […]

1 Thessalonians 1:3 – Faith, Love, Then Hope

| September 12, 2014

“Faith, love, and hope.” That order doesn’t sound right, does it? Because of the beautiful passage on love in 1 Cor.13, we are used to “faith, hope, and love.” Paul uses that trilogy of virtues 4 times (unless you think he wrote Hebrews): 1 Cor.13:13; Col.1:4-5; 1 Thess.1:3; 5:8. Only once does he use the […]

Twisted Truths

| September 12, 2014

Twisted Truths – 1) Eve was a pain the side to Adam (Gen.2:21); 2) When it came time to help the Israelite spies, Rahab let them down (Josh.2:15) 3) Jael gave Sisera a headache (Judg.4:21); 4) Delilah made Samson lose his hair (Judg.16:19); 5) John the Baptist lost his head over a woman (Mt.14:8).