PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Why Should Jews Accept Jesus as Messiah?

| March 8, 2023

A Pew Moments with Perry – Why Should Jews Accept Jesus as Messiah?   A discussion between one believing in Jesus and a modern Jew centered on why today’s Jews should believe in Jesus. After making an affirmative argument that Jesus did claim messiahship and deity, the counter argument was that Jesus’s conception of the […]

Star Trek Proves the Resurrection?

| January 24, 2023

Star Trek is one of my favorite science fiction franchises. Despite my fandom, it displays an illogical reality, to reference Spock. That false reality is that life is so common that it can be found everywhere by humans who “boldly go where no man has gone before”.   Shifting universes from fiction to fact, atheists […]

How To Deal with Atheism in Our Young People

| July 1, 2022

How To Deal with Atheism in Our Young People? While this idea began dealing with how to help “our” children, the idea expanded, not beyond our children, but to any who become atheists. Our children are not immune to the many reasons people who are not among “us” likewise experience. The first thing we need […]

2 Kinds of Atheists

| February 22, 2020

There are two kinds of atheists: 1) Those who believe there is nothing but matter and therefore no free will; 2) Those who believe there is free will. The first class we can dub “Scientific Atheists”. The second class we can call “Emotional Atheists.” While an oversimplification, let me point out the foundational flaw in […]

3 Questions When Deciding to Believe

| June 25, 2019

When deciding to believe, how are we convicted? By biblical definition, to believe means “to be persuaded”. By what are we persuaded? It is important to know this applies to just about anything, and not just faith in God. That means we use the same methodology for religious faith as we do in deciding if […]

Genesis 1-2 – Different Creation Accounts?

| May 21, 2018

A young lady approached me wanting help with the “contradictions” between the two creation accounts in Genesis 1-2. Firstly, these two chapters don’t contradict; they are complementary to each other just as coins have both heads and tails. Genesis 1 is geo-centric focusing on the earth. Genesis 2 is anthro-centric focusing on Adam and Eve […]

Mark 1:39-45 – The Talmudic Messiah

| January 13, 2017

A written compilation of various Rabbi’s oral traditions is found in the Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud was written down from before the Common Era to 500 years later. I wish I knew the date for the following excerpt because it contrasts with how the Pharisees viewed Jesus as a Messiah, yet matches well the New […]

Psalm 10:4 – Why There Is No God

| January 11, 2017

Reading different versions spurs different thoughts due to the different wording. For example, Psalm 10:4: CSB – In all his scheming, the wicked person arrogantly thinks, “There’s no accountability, since there’s no God.” NASB – The wicked, in the haughtiness of his countenance, does not seek [Him.] All his thoughts are, “There is no God.” […]

Genesis 1:1 – An Axiomatic World

| March 22, 2016

A statement is axiomatic if it needs no proof because it is true by the definitions of the words themselves: A servant is not above his master; water is wet; etc. Denial comes when people willingly ignore the obvious which is becoming the new legal norm: Men are no longer only males; marriage is no […]

Romans 1:20 – Ex Nihilo

| September 4, 2015

In declaring the omnipotence of God, and the impotence of humans, Christian apologists often point out that God created everything out of nothing – ex nihilo. This is something humans cannot do. We always need a starting substance. God did, man cannot. Not to take away from the glory of ex nihilo, but God did […]