PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Revelation 2-3 – Which Church Are We?

| November 18, 2023

1. EPHESUS – A church that loves being right more than loves those who are wrong. 2. SMYRNA – A church that doesn’t fear those who fear you for what you stand for. 3. PERGAMUM – A church that accepts mixing the holy and unholy in teaching or living as acceptable to God. 4. THYATRIA […]

Failure to Build

| September 2, 2021

Failure to Build (a little longer than usual) “You can destroy as much by failing to build as by actively wrecking” (Rod Dreher, Live Not By Lies). While this quote is describing the rise of totalitarianism within nations, I found it intriguingly applicable to churches. As for wrecking within, historically churches die from: 1. Being […]

A Major Misunderstanding of Revelation and Life

| November 8, 2019

One of the major, possibly the most major, misunderstanding concerning Revelation, is…an incomplete thought. In fact, it is the same incomplete thought found in many’s misunderstanding of the disciple’s life: “the heath and wealth gospel”, “why do bad things happen to good people”, etc.Revelation teaches we are a kingdom of/and priests:• “and made us a […]

Why Did God Create Light Before the Sun ?

| September 11, 2019

Many have noticed Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 21-22 are bookends to the Bible physically but moreso due to similarities (i.e. tree of life, etc.). Could Revelation 21:23 answer why (at least one reason) God created light before making the sun? As you are aware, skeptics ridicule that part of the creation story. In Revelation 21, […]

A Revelation About Revelation

| August 13, 2019

A new realization came upon me as I study Revelation (that I hope will help you): The are two underlying and overlapping, repetitive OT motifs that fill Revelation: Creation and Exodus. This is because God’s power in Old Creation is the same power in New Creation. This is because God’s power in defeating the Old World […]

Revelation 13:4 – Why Is Ecumenism Right Today?

| July 26, 2019

David Suhor from the Satanic Temple delivered a unique invocation after several minutes of protester disruption at a Pensacola City Council meeting on July 14, 2016. Most Americans agree that is going too far. But most Americans don’t go far enough.“Jesus is the way” people will clamor, even if people don’t recognize Jesus as the […]

Revelation 1:1 – Christ Revealing or Revealing Christ?

| June 25, 2019

“A revelation of Jesus Christ” (1:1a). Is this about Christ revealing, or about revealing Christ? Grammatically it can be either way, that Jesus is the object or the subject. The more I read, the more I am seeing that one of the interpretive methods for understanding Revelation is seeing Jesus as the explanation for almost […]

Revelation 2 – R U Listening?

| June 25, 2019

1. “Remember how far you have fallen” (Revelation 2:5)2. “Repent” (2:5)3. “Re-do the works you did at first” (2:5)4. “Remove, I will, the lamp-stand if you do not” (2:6)5. “Right to eat of the tree of life, I will give you, if you do” (2:7)“Whoever has an ear to hear, listen to what the Spirit […]

Revelation 2:16 – “Someone Else”

| June 25, 2019

I get surprised when the Bible does not say what I am expecting. Jesus warns a church they must repent against the false teaching of the Nicolaitans, or else he will come war against them. Except that is not what it said. “So repent! Otherwise, I will come to you quickly and fight against them with […]

Revelation 2 – “Left Your First Love” or “Fear of False Doctrine over Love for Lost Souls”

| June 12, 2019

“Left your first love.” That is more common way of translating this phrase. Others use a less enigmatic phrasing, “left the love you had at first.” “First love” can be a very specific type of love; while “the love you had at first” can be describing that the Ephesians had no love at all any […]