PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

God’s Order for Building a Family

| June 27, 2019

God’s preferred, created, family order – shown in Genesis 1-3 – is a process that gives a better opportunity to be spiritually enriched. And because God’s ways are for our good , it helps people out of emotional and economical poverty.That last reason – economic stability – is not a “higher order” or prime moral […]

Imagine the Following Scenes

| June 25, 2019

1. As an employee of “Company A”, you work at home. The boss calls you into the office to do some work there with the other employees. You decline saying, “I can work anywhere.”2. As a member of the family, you never sit down to eat with the family because, “I can eat anywhere, I […]

Revelation 1:1 – Christ Revealing or Revealing Christ?

| June 25, 2019

“A revelation of Jesus Christ” (1:1a). Is this about Christ revealing, or about revealing Christ? Grammatically it can be either way, that Jesus is the object or the subject. The more I read, the more I am seeing that one of the interpretive methods for understanding Revelation is seeing Jesus as the explanation for almost […]

Revelation 2 – R U Listening?

| June 25, 2019

1. “Remember how far you have fallen” (Revelation 2:5)2. “Repent” (2:5)3. “Re-do the works you did at first” (2:5)4. “Remove, I will, the lamp-stand if you do not” (2:6)5. “Right to eat of the tree of life, I will give you, if you do” (2:7)“Whoever has an ear to hear, listen to what the Spirit […]

Revelation 2:16 – “Someone Else”

| June 25, 2019

I get surprised when the Bible does not say what I am expecting. Jesus warns a church they must repent against the false teaching of the Nicolaitans, or else he will come war against them. Except that is not what it said. “So repent! Otherwise, I will come to you quickly and fight against them with […]

3 Questions When Deciding to Believe

| June 25, 2019

When deciding to believe, how are we convicted? By biblical definition, to believe means “to be persuaded”. By what are we persuaded? It is important to know this applies to just about anything, and not just faith in God. That means we use the same methodology for religious faith as we do in deciding if […]

Investigating the Bible

| June 25, 2019

A law officer had a famous father who had solved a few famous cases:1. Don’t find your evidence, follow the evidence. 2. Don’t get emotionally involved with your sources, keep your distance. These work well for studying the Bible.1. Don’t go to the Bible to prove what you want it to say. Discover the evidence. This is […]

Your Theology is Showing

| June 19, 2019

One Theology says, “We sin because of inherited sin.” Here’s something all agree on: Adam and Eve sinned because of temptation. So here is an alternative theological perspective: If we had an inherited depravity, Satan would never need to tempt us. We sin, not because of Adam and Eve, but for the same reason as […]

Revelation 2 – “Left Your First Love” or “Fear of False Doctrine over Love for Lost Souls”

| June 12, 2019

“Left your first love.” That is more common way of translating this phrase. Others use a less enigmatic phrasing, “left the love you had at first.” “First love” can be a very specific type of love; while “the love you had at first” can be describing that the Ephesians had no love at all any […]

Time to Get Ridiculous!

| June 11, 2019

When someone is being unreasonable you can’t, by logic, reason with them; you have to be unreasonable back. That sounds equally ineffective but you are reduced to shocking them with your even greater unrealistic “reasoning”. If that sounds illogical, you are correct, but that is the logical response. In fact, that is exactly what Paul […]