PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

A Good Point is not Necessarily a Biblical Point

| October 13, 2023

When God prepared Moses to go to His people, Moses doubted, repeatedly. One sign God gave for proof is Moses to sticking his hand inside his cloak, and when he takes it out, the hand is as white as snow. This illustrates Moses’s cold, unbelieving heart. No it doesn’t. The hand was white because of […]

Abbott and Costello and Moses

| October 13, 2023

Abbott and Costello and Moses The funniest and most famous comedy routine ever is arguably Abbott and Costello’s Who’s On First. In the form of that routine, what if we imagine a conversation between Moses and Israel when God rained manna from heaven. • ISRAEL – What is it? • MOSES – Correct. • ISRAEL […]

A “Sound” Church

| October 13, 2023

A “Sound” Church A transformation begins. The assignment is, “Read Acts and make a list of the marks of a sound church.” Busily, the group starts answering this one, detailed, question. When class resumes, the teacher asks for their answers. The majority within the church have been “raised in the pew” and expectedly give answers […]

The Festivals of Jesus’s Kingdom

| October 13, 2023

The Festivals of Jesus’s Kingdom Moses wrote Yahweh’s words to the Kingdom of Israel to honor the three feasts of God. In doing this, these three annual festivals foreshadow the three time periods of Jesus and His Kingdom (Exodus 23:14-17) 1. The Festival of Unleavened Bread which included Passover at the beginning – This is […]

The Waters of Moses

| October 13, 2023

The Waters of Moses Three times in Egypt, water and Moses are connected. These narratives are preparing for another and greater Man of God who also will be connected to water in teaching and action. 1. NILE – The Nile’s water is used to preserve life along with the basket (same Hebrew word as Noah’s […]

5 Congregational Reasons for Not Evangelizing

| October 13, 2023

Congregational Motivations for NOT Evangelizing I’ve seen or heard all six. Which stage or level of evangelism is evident within your congregation? It probably is not verbalized, as much as it is witnessed: Reason 1 – FEARFUL – The fear can be of “contamination” from sinful lives, strange ideas, or just strangers. Visitors are viewed […]

“You church of Christ people think you’re the only ones going to heaven”

| October 13, 2023

“You church of Christ people think you’re the only ones going to heaven”? Ever hear someone say, “You Church of Christ people think you’re the only ones going to heaven”? Some say this in jest, while others in accusation. Before answering, know their intentions. Here are three different approaches: 1. “I believe the same thing […]

Speaking in Tongues

| October 13, 2023

A Campus Conversation A conversation on tongue speaking and miracles occurred during street evangelism at the campus. Here are the highlights and please, admire this young man’s openness. ME – Acts 2 shows these tongues were actual human languages: Acts 2:8 – “How is it that each of us can hear them in our own […]

Joshua 1 – Moses is Dead

| October 13, 2023

Moses is Dead “Moses My servant is dead” (Joshua 1:2): 1. What a glorious description – God’s servant. 2. We all have lost loved ones who were not nearly as humble as Moses, and yet he died too. Death comes to all. 3. No one is irreplaceable… “Now you and all the people” (Joshua 1:2). […]

1 Corinthians 6 – First Group, Second Group, One Group

| October 13, 2023

First Group, Second Group, One Group 1 Corinthians 6:11 (CSB) And some of you used to be like this. FIRST GROUP Paul writes this after a lengthy list of abominable sins: 9) No sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, or males who have sex with males, 10) no thieves, greedy people, drunkards, verbally abusive people, or […]