PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Samuel 8:5 – Motives Behind Israel Wants A King

| September 30, 2015

Israel wanted a king “like the nations” (1 Sam.8:5). Deuteronomy predicts this would happen (17:14-15). A king in Israel was not against God’s plan unless we want to consider God only decided Jesus’ genealogy and kingship after Israel’s demand for a king. If not, then what was the problem? It is the same three problems […]

Exodus 20 – The 10 Commandments in Christ (5th – Honor)

| September 25, 2015

The 5th Command is about honoring your father and mother; followed by a promise of life. This promise of life is followed by a command to not take life; which is the 6th. The rest of the commands are familiar but missing in much of society today: do not commit adultery, steal, tell false witness, […]

Exodus 20 – The 10 Commandments in Christ (5th – Honor)

| September 25, 2015

Parents, when one parent allows the other parent to disrespect and disobey the other, they are not helping their children to honor both the father and the mother. If they dishonor one parent they dishonor the entire command. Dishonoring the command is dishonoring the One who gave the command. Parents, be honorable if you want […]

Exodus 20 – The 10 Commandments in Christ (4th – Sabbath)

| September 25, 2015

The meaning of the Sabbath rest in the first giving of the 10 Commandments is different than in Moses’ second reiteration. In Exodus 20 it is based upon God resting after creation. In Deuteronomy 5 it is based upon God freeing Israel from slavery. These are not two distinct ideas although they are two distinct […]

Exodus 20 – The 10 Commandments in Christ (3rd – Lord’s Name)

| September 25, 2015

Do not take Lord’s name in vain. This 3rd command found within the “10 Words” existed before Mt. Sinai and continues today in the covenant of Christ. The Lord’s Prayer shares the sentiment when saying, “Holy is Your name.” Texting “OMG” is vain as is swearing but breaking the vow. Calling ourselves Christians, and our […]

Exodus 20 – The 10 Commandments in Christ (1st-4th)

| September 23, 2015

The first 4 of the 10 Commandments provide a paradigm that is still followed in the covenant of Christ: 1) God wants first place, not only over other gods; but most importantly over ourselves. The way we treat God impacts God. God has feelings and emotions too. The way we treat God impacts how He […]

Perryism – Jesus is in an arranged marriage.

| September 23, 2015

Genesis 1 – Not “Then God Thought”

| September 23, 2015

The Genesis 1 text reads, “In the beginining’” followed by “Then God said.” Not, “Then God thought;” although God’s thoughts are powerful enough to create. Not, “Then God made;” although the account is a record of God’s works. But “Then God said;” because Genesis 1 is setting the standard for the rest of all time […]

James 1:1 – Bond-servants Not Best Buddies

| September 23, 2015

Bond-servants. We are, to use a word common in many translations, bond-servants. Contrary to the way we sometimes act, this does not mean we have such a close bond with Jesus as best buddies. It means slave, one who has given up his will to another. So maybe we should give up the visuals of […]

Genesis 1:28 – The Most Successful Command

| September 23, 2015

The only command humans have been real successful in obeying is the first command ever given to humans: Be fruitful and multiply (Gen.1:28). After that its been pretty much a failure.