PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 47 – The Gospel in a Famine

There was no food in Egypt due to a 7 year famine. Joseph through divine providence had stored up food for 7 years. Food meant life.

The Egyptians, and other nations, came to Joseph to buy food. He was the only source. Then their money ran out. Next they sold their livestock. Then their livestock ran out. Finally, they sold their land and themselves as slaves. All for food, including seed to sow.

Do you see the gospel here? Our sins are our spiritual famine. Jesus, the only source (John 14:6) through a predetermined plan (Acts 2:23) came to provide Himself, the bread of life. “Food” means life (John 6:50-51; Revelation 2:7; 21:5-7).

All nations must come to Jesus (Mark 16:15-16). When we do, we often are like these Egyptians. After first we give what we can afford. Then we realize we must give more including all our possessions (Luke 14:25-35). Slowly for some, we realize life means giving everything – we become slaves of Jesus (Romans 6). In exchange, we get life, life abundant (John 10:10). That is the gospel in famine.

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