PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The Waters of Moses

The Waters of Moses
Three times in Egypt, water and Moses are connected. These narratives are preparing for another and greater Man of God who also will be connected to water in teaching and action.
1. NILE – The Nile’s water is used to preserve life along with the basket (same Hebrew word as Noah’s “ark”). Moses’ name in Hebrew means (or sounds like) “drawn from”, but in Egyptian it means (or sounds like) “born of”. Moses was “drawn from” and “born of” water, rescuing him from death. We are born again of water and Spirit (John 3:5). Because the Nile is connected to being saved through the water (1 Peter 3:21) and being born of water (John 3:5), the Nile represents baptism.
2. NILE – The first sign to Pharaoh was turning water into blood. Jesus’s first sign in Cana is turning water into wine (John 2). Later, when on the cross, Jesus’s side is pierced, and out comes water and blood (John 19). It is in the water we contact the blood of Jesus (Romans 6). Because the Nile is connected to water and blood, the Nile again represents baptism.
3. RED SEA – Crossing the Red Sea is the final act of leaving Egypt and gaining freedom. Paul compares this crossing to baptism (1 Corinthians 10). Because they were surrounded by water by being under the cloud and passed through the sea (1 Corinthians 10:1), the Red Sea is an immersion. The Red Sea represents baptism.
The three waters of Moses escaping Egypt foreshadow our baptism into Christ. Which of these is not necessary to how God is saving and freeing?

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