PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The Festivals of Jesus’s Kingdom

The Festivals of Jesus’s Kingdom
Moses wrote Yahweh’s words to the Kingdom of Israel to honor the three feasts of God. In doing this, these three annual festivals foreshadow the three time periods of Jesus and His Kingdom (Exodus 23:14-17)
1. The Festival of Unleavened Bread which included Passover at the beginning – This is the Life of Jesus where He preaches, “repent for the kingdom of God is near” (Matthew 3). This culminates in His death, burial, and resurrection. Our King is Jesus, meaning “Savior”.
2. The Festival of Harvest, Firstfruits, or Weeks – This is also called Pentecost in Acts 2. The beginning of the harvest results in gathering the first crops. This is where Jesus, having ascended to the right hand of God, is currently ruling His kingdom. Our Savior is Lord and Christ, Prophet, High Priest, and King.
3. The Festival of Ingathering – This is the end of the harvest where the last of the crops are brought in. This is the return of Jesus where He gathers the righteousness and unrighteous in the resurrection of the dead, and then afterwards returns the kingdom to His Father (1 Thessalonians 4; 1 Corinthians 15). Our Lord Jesus Christ ends this part of His kingdom.
Each of these festivals requires an assembly.
1. Jesus assembled on earth in the Festival of Unleavened Bread.
2. Jesus assembled in Heaven by His Father in the Festival of Firstfruits.
3. Jesus will assemble in the air in His return at the Second Coming in the Festival of Gathering the Last Fruits.
When Jesus expounded on the OT, no wonder he said in John 5:46, “For if you believed Moses, you would believe me, because he wrote about me.”

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