PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

“You church of Christ people think you’re the only ones going to heaven”

“You church of Christ people think you’re the only ones going to heaven”?
Ever hear someone say, “You Church of Christ people think you’re the only ones going to heaven”? Some say this in jest, while others in accusation. Before answering, know their intentions. Here are three different approaches:
1. “I believe the same thing about that as you do. The only ones going to heaven are by God’s grace. Do you agree with that? If so, do you want to study when God gives His grace to sinners?”
This builds common ground.
2. “I don’t consider myself a ‘Church of Christ Christian’. I am just a Christian. Are you just a Christian or a Christian plus something?”
This makes them consider their denominational thinking and leads them to desire a pre-denominational faith.
3. With a smile on your face say, “That’s funny that you say ‘You think you’re the only ones going to heaven’, because I don’t think a lot of us are going to make it! Want to know why?”
This response disarms the accuser with humor, and then aims at a deeper understanding of living out justification by faith.
Notice each response aims at something different. Also notice each response ends with a question. Asking questions keeps the conversation going.

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