PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Reading Revelation 22 through Genesis 3

| June 5, 2019

Reading Revelation 22 through Genesis 3, and by “through” I mean “through the lens of ” is…revealing. Genesis 3:• HEAR – God had spoken to Adam (Gen.2), and Eve had heard His words probably through Adam (Genesis 3).• ADD – Eve added to God’s  word, “Do not touch” (Genesis  3:3). The serpent added all the trees […]

Revelation 1 – Who Was Who Is Who Is To Come

| June 4, 2019

Our transcendent God is also immanent. His closeness is found in His interactions – interferences – with history. God calls Himself, “Who was, who is, and who is to come (Revelation 1:4,8)” These themselves are historical references of an eternal God. God never had a “was” in Himself because that is a description of time. […]

I Don’t Like Revelation

| May 26, 2019

I don’t like Revelation. Not because of what I don’t understand; but because of what I do. “Jesus wins” is the ultimate lesson. But that leaves out so much. Jesus wins unconventionally as a lion that is a lamb slain, that signifies how unconventionally Jesus wins – through suffering. But why must there be suffering? 1) Because there […]

Revelation Outline

| May 24, 2019

I don’t know more about Revelation than I do know. Is it about Jerusalem? Is it about Rome? Often when presented with “either or” I have found “both and” to be more probable. What I do know is Jesus is victorious through suffering, and not through worldly power. So consider this oversimplified “both and” outline: [ […]

What Word Do You Need To Hear?

| May 20, 2019

The “apostle of love” spoke eloquently, practically, and frequently of God’s agape love. God’s mind over emotion was learned by His children. His love was beyond conventional wisdom and appearance. John wrote deeply on love, that is, until his last writing, the Revelation. There, surprisingly, that divine word, with Jesus speaking it, appears only twice. […]

Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18 – Lane-Splitting

| December 6, 2018

Lane-splitting is legal in California. That means a motorcycle can ride in between the cars in traffic if the pace is stopped or slow. The purpose is to alleviate traffic. BUT this is not about motorcycles so keep reading. Lane-splitting is illegal in other states according to their statutes. However, in some places it is […]

Revelation 22:14 – From Beginning to End

| July 6, 2018

In the beginning God creates Adam and Eve to be His representative image on earth. They chose to not represent by failing to listen. This is the beginning of the end. God begins all over again with Noah, a new physical creation. He does well initially, but then gets drunk from his own planting success […]

Ephesians – Which Church Is the Real Church?

| June 27, 2018

In a section of Atlanta we are reminded of America’s complicated past. Within a few blocks there are signs in memory of the Confederacy, Martin Luther King, and the Cherokees. The ideal of America has always been more glorious than its reality. This is the same for the church. Ephesians presents a glorious, unblemished, exalted […]

Ephesians – Consider This Our Warning

| June 2, 2018

Consider this our warning: 1. Around 52 AD, on Paul’s second evangelistic tour, he, along with Priscilla and Aquila, visited Ephesus after leaving Corinth, and seeded the church there (Acts 18:19). 2. Around 54-56 AD, on the third preaching journey, Paul spent between two and three years teaching in the Ephesus (Acts 19:8-10). 3. Around […]

Continual Restoration – 1 Corinthians 11

| May 31, 2018

Almost every prophet in the OT pointed out the errors of God’s people. If you don’t believe me, believe Jesus, Stephen (Acts 7), and even the Pharisees who claimed, “If we have lived in the days of our fathers, we wouldn’t have taken part with them in shedding the prophets’ blood” (Matthew 23:30). A week […]