PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Ephesians – Consider This Our Warning

Consider this our warning:
1. Around 52 AD, on Paul’s second evangelistic tour, he, along with Priscilla and Aquila, visited Ephesus after leaving Corinth, and seeded the church there (Acts 18:19).
2. Around 54-56 AD, on the third preaching journey, Paul spent between two and three years teaching in the Ephesus (Acts 19:8-10).
3. Around 57 AD, Paul stopped on the nearby island of Miletus to make his farewell address to the Ephesian elders (Acts 20).
4. Around 62 AD, about a decade after the church had been started, Paul wrote a letter to the Ephesians commending their faith and love. Nothing negative is mentioned.
5. Around 63-65 AD, Paul instructs Timothy as the younger preacher works with the church in Ephesus. Timothy must confront false teachings, and instruct on elders.
6. Around 66 AD, in all probability very soon after the Jewish War begins, tradition says Ephesus became the home of John the apostle. This may or may not be true, but circumstances make it possible.
7. All this brings us to the surprise analysis by Jesus. Debate exists when Revelation was written, but whenever it was the Ephesian church had lost its first love.
Here is our warning: Despite the work of two apostles, other workers including the evangelist Timothy, the church was in danger of losing its candlestick. Faithfulness is a continual battle, and even the greatest messengers can’t guarantee spiritual success. Correct doctrine is important as seen in 1 Timothy; but that isn’t enough. They had lost their first love leaving them strict and shallow.
Speaking of love, again according to tradition, after his exile, John was released and died during the reign of Trajan so said Iraneus (an early church historian). The picturesque story goes that at a very old age John, too feeble to walk, would be carried into the assembly admonishing, “Little children, love one another.”
Let’s heed the warning from the church in Ephesus. (Here is the article I based mine on:

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