PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

I Don’t Like Revelation

I don’t like Revelation. Not because of what I don’t understand; but because of what I do. 
“Jesus wins” is the ultimate lesson. But that leaves out so much. Jesus wins unconventionally as a lion that is a lamb slain, that signifies how unconventionally Jesus wins – through suffering. 
But why must there be suffering? 
1) Because there is evil. 
2) But also because there is a God who hates evil. 
There are only two ways evil can be overcome (a key word in Revelation): 
1) Through experiencing complete evil; 
2) Through experiencing complete love.
Evil that is utter evil – war, famine, bloodshed – penetrates down deep, sometimes that is the only method how an evil person can clearly see evil. Lukewarm evil is easy to tolerate.
Love that triumphs over utter evil is the only way to escape evil by rising above Satan and his demonic ways. Love shines the brightest through the darkness of suffering. I don’t like that.
Both complete evil and complete love are found in only one place – the cross. I don’t like Revelation, but what I have learned is the book – evil and love – must be interpreted through Jesus the lion, crucified as a lamb.

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