PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Revelation 2-3 – Which Church Are We?

1. EPHESUS – A church that loves being right more than loves those who are wrong.
2. SMYRNA – A church that doesn’t fear those who fear you for what you stand for.
3. PERGAMUM – A church that accepts mixing the holy and unholy in teaching or living as acceptable to God.
4. THYATRIA – Ditto, so a church that thinks just because another church is doing it makes it right.
5. SARDIS – A church who thinks claiming you are faithful is enough to make you faithful.
6. PHILADELPHIA – A church called to not be intimidated by your limited power.
7. LAODICEA – A church that thinks your wealth is wealthier than God’s wealth for you.

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