PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Revelation 13:4 – Why Is Ecumenism Right Today?

David Suhor from the Satanic Temple delivered a unique invocation after several minutes of protester disruption at a Pensacola City Council meeting on July 14, 2016. Most Americans agree that is going too far. But most Americans don’t go far enough.
“Jesus is the way” people will clamor, even if people don’t recognize Jesus as the way; that’s one way ecumenicism is encroaching upon the narrow way. Whether Islam, non-messianic Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, it doesn’t matter because Jesus can still save through these; that’s the claim. The first century Christians might have asked, “Can Jesus still be the way through Emperor Worship?” Why is ecumenicism right today but wrong for the first Christians?
Even the rightly respected C.S. Lewis got it wrong on this, despite John 14:6 – “Though all salvation is through Jesus, we need not conclude that He cannot save those who have not explicitly accepted Him in this life.” And, “We do know that no [one] can be saved except through Christ; we do not know that only those who know Him can be saved through Him.” Marcus Borg, a modern-day progressive said, “Jesus did not speak of himself with the exalted titles of John’s gospels, nor did he speak the great `one way’ verse of John 14:6”.
John is plain in both his gospel and in Revelation, which is quite plain despite its symbolic language. Those that “worshiped the beast” (Revelation 13:4) worshiped the dragon who is Satan (Revelation 12:9). How they worshiped Satan was through Emperor worship. Unlike modern-day Satanists, they didn’t go before a city council and say a prayer to Satan – just a pinch as a prayer to the Emperor. But to God, not publicly acknowledging His Son as The Way is not far enough. Do you go that far? Most first century Christians were willing to die because they went far. Again, why is ecumenicism right today but wrong for the first Christians?

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