PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Why Do We Correct Others?

Have you been guilty of getting overly excited, or even agitated concerning the esoteric meaning of a word or passage? Or have you witnessed or heard of someone be annoying over something they think you don’t, but thankfully they do?
If you are having trouble conceptualizing this let me give an example: “We don’t go to church, we are the church”. When said there is sometimes a sanctimonious smugness. It sounds holy and right. But more importantly, it is an opportunity to show others how much we know. Yes, we are the church. BUT, we also “go to church”. The word simply means assembly. We go to the assembly.
• “But if there is no interpreter, that person is to keep silent in the church (or, assembly) and speak to himself and God.” (CSB’17 1 Corinthians 14:28)
Why do people – “we” – act like this? Why are we so quick to correct? PRIDE! We learned some things and are more than happy – “prideful” – to share how right we are! So be careful. Sometimes words are very important, including the meaning, such as baptism means immersion. But sometimes, we are not so much right in our knowledge; we are proud.

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