PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like Playing Golf

The kingdom of heaven is like playing golf. “Everything old is new again”, is both a proverb and a song. After devoting decades to 4 children, and two back surgeries, and only playing golf once or twice a year when I did play, plus seeing this as an opportunity to reach new people and spend time with new friends, I have decided to attempt losing balls again, and paying for the opportunity. I have not played a round with my 30-year-old clubs in two decades plus! As I searched my abandoned golf bag, I learned I still had brand new balls! I doubt 20-year-old new balls are internally still perfect, although externally they look good. In the case of these balls, everything new is old again! In case of my hope to hit a driver further than the ladies’ tees, everything old is new again. He who has ears to ear, let him hear.
But some readers are wondering, what is this about, can you explain this parable to us.
1. There are 20-year-old Christians that look perfect on the outside, but inside….
2. Golf is an ancient game but if we search for something new, there is always some “secret” that is yours for a minimal fee. Sounds like a few charlatan preachers.
3. My clubs are 30 plus old, considered by many the worst every made, and yet I can be just as inconsistent with them as with a brand-new set. Money is made because people would rather blame the equipment than work on themselves.
4. There’s a saying in golf, “It’s that one shot that keeps you coming back” which means most of the time you are frustrated, but you decide to focus on the hope than the aggravation. That’s about the best thing I can say about golf. If more followers of Jesus would focus on the good in others….
How do you like that, bad golf and bad religion have a lot in common?

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