PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

My Evangelistic Mentor?

Each week, a group gathers online to discuss the Challenges in Evangelism. Last session involved a good number of contributors speaking of men and women who influenced, instructed, and spurred them on in spreading the word. Many of the men mentioned also were part of my circle from my 30’s on up. While they spoke, I stayed silent. Finally, the moderator said, “Perry, you are uncustomarily quiet.” So I spoke.
“I didn’t have a mentor growing up teaching me about evangelism.”
“I’m not saying there weren’t good influences, such as my parents who were very hospitable. But going out to seek the lost, I generally was on my own. I remember one time, but….”
Now let me pause. This is not saying others were not also seeking to evangelize. It is saying no one regularly involved me. A side lesson here is, involve others!
And yet I frequently spoke to friends about what I believed, even baptizing my neighbor. Another friend who was Catholic said, “Perry, if you were the Pope, you would change everything in the Catholic Church!” I responded, “Yep, and then I would step down from being the Pope!” Another said, “If you were in a war and the enemy jumped into your foxhole, you would ask them to study the Bible.” I say all this not to put me on a pedestal (you don’t want to know my flaws!), nor to reflect on no one being my friend in evangelism. There is a greater point to be made.
Why did I talk to others about what I believed?
“And since we have the same spirit of faith in keeping with what is written, ‘I believed, therefore I spoke’, we also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13). “I believed, therefore I spoke” is taken from a messianic psalm (116:10).
Jesus believed, therefore He spoke. I believe, therefore I speak and spoke.
What this means is,
I believe what I believe.
I believe what I believe is true.
I believe what I believe is needed.
I believe what I believe is distinctive.
I believe what I believe is worth speaking about.
I believe, therefore, I speak! Do you? Can I help you? Can you help me be even a better spokesman for Jesus?
After all, Jesus is my Mentor!

About The Author


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