PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The Incarnation in the Beginning

All believers in Jesus see Jesus in the beginning as the Creator (Col.1:16). Since so much of the rest of the Bible is foreshadowed in Genesis 1-3, and Jesus is foreshadowed (Word, Light, Life – John 1) from there to John 1, do you think even the incarnation is foreshadowed in the beginning? Maybe that is why John who emphasizes the incarnation from the beginning begins like Genesis “in the beginning”.

Notice the hints of a greater connection between man with the divine spark, and Jesus with full divinity:

  • Man/Adamah is both from heaven in image (Genesis 1:27) and from the earth in body (Genesis 2:7; 2:21-22).
  • Jesus is the image of God (Hebrews 1:3) and from an earthly mother (Luke 2), a body prepared by God the Father (Hebrews 10:5).

If this is connection is purposefully made for us to find, the incarnation should not be an incongruity to Israel/Jews but is in a sense remarkably possible. This would be along the lines of if Abraham and Sarah could have a child at 100 and 90 years of age; then what is so hard to accept that a virgin could also since both rely on God’s power.

As for the incarnation foreshadowed:

  • Instead of man being made a little less than elohim (God or angels) (Hebrews 2:7; Psalm 8:5).
  • Now, Jesus is made much more than just a man.

Jesus is the greater fulfillment of man in the image of God because He is God in the image of man. No wonder then Jesus is called the second Adam (1 Cor.15:45). The incarnation was there in the beginning.

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