PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Luke 9:23 – Luxurious Christianity

“Luxuries soon become necessities”. I’ll never forget my parents telling me that when concerning car amenities. Who today can remember when AC was not standard? I can. Who today would buy a car without AC? Not me. But this is not about cars.
Being a Christian in America comes/came with many luxuries such as a basic Judeo-Christian culture, and governmental support. Have these “luxuries” become necessities for being a Christian? Will we still be holding to basic biblical positions when society no longer affirms and government no longer protects? When the majority turns against the people of God, will we even know how to function without such necessary luxuries? I love this sentiment (source unknown), “The church today wonders what the world is coming to but the early church wondered at who was coming to the world”. Luxuries make us comfortable and comfort becomes a necessity on the way in a car. Carrying a cross was never meant to be comfortable although it is necessary (Luke 9:23).

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