PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The 5 Loves for a Valentines Day For Singles

The 5 Loves for a Happy Valentine’s Day if Single
Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. If you are single, don’t give in to doubting yourself, your value, and your life. There plenty of time for that if and when you get married! (I’m being halfway facetious, because marriage brings it’s own challenges to self-worth).
Remember that in the two Great Commands there are three Great Loves:
1. Love God
2. Love your neighbor.
3. (Love) your neighbor as yourself.
And remember there are three great loves already in your life.
4. God loves you.
5. Your neighbors love you.
And back to 3. You love yourself.
So whether you are single by never being married, through divorce, or widowed, and even possibly “single” while married, remember that because of the 5 loves listed above, Happy Valentine’s Day!

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