PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Good People Are Saved?

“I know they are saved. Just look at how good they are”. Have you heard or made such statements? There is both truth and falsity in that thought.
Truth – Read 1 John and we see how changed behavior is evident of salvation, and not esoteric “truth” that only a few possess. Our Lord and Savior Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruit” (Matthew 7).
Falsity – Romans 4 starts by saying if we are saved by works then Abraham had room to boast. But, no one is. So even Abraham is saved by a declaration by God that he is righteous through faith.
What’s the difference between these two ideas?
If we look at our good acts, our goodness (2 Peter 1:5), as evidence of being saved by God then that is true. That is salvation by faith which changes us into walking by the Spirit (Galatians 5).
If we look at our good actions, our goodness, as reasons we should be saved by God, then that is false. That is salvation by works.
C.S. was confronted by someone who stated a certain person couldn’t be saved because of their bad behavior. His response was, to PerryPhrase, “You should have seen him before!”
Our works do not save us, but we cannot be saved without our works. That’s because our works show our changed nature by God, not why God should save us.

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