PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

God’s Heroic Spiritual Gene

God’s Heroic Spiritual Gene
Heroes are, by the very nature of the descriptive term, admired. Men and women who rush into certain or uncertain death, to rescue a friend or even a stranger, are universally hailed as heroes. But heroes don’t fit in to the theory of evolution.
Here’s the conundrum.
Atheistic Naturalists freely admit such heroics are contrary to the evolutionist’s philosophy of “survival of the fittest”. If everything is materialistic, then taking a chance where someone might die to save another is unexplainable. “Survival of the fittest” has no room for a more “fit” person to volunteer not to survive to save the less “fit”.
This isn’t an unfair judgment because Naturalists freely admit there is no “hero gene” to explain sacrificial actions. Heroics can’t fit their materialistic, scientific paradigm.
But there is an answer.
Humans are more than material flesh, bones, and chemical reactions causing decisions. As seen in Jesus, we possess free will, which is immaterial. Jesus’s last days demonstrate even He had an internal struggle wherein he asked His Father, “If it is possible, let this cup pass from me.” And his prayer continued, “not my will but yours”. Free will can include struggle, submission, the greater good, love, guilt, happiness, duty, and more. Immaterial free will includes many emotions and thoughts calculated together in making difficult, even life threatening, decisions. Jesus’s prayer demonstrates the paradox of free will – We can freely “not will” while simultaneously freely “will to”.
The ultimate heroes are those who freely sacrifice for others, even in little things. Don’t be selfish. Don’t let your materialistic “fitness” overwhelm your immaterial “fitness” – your spiritual condition. Choose this day to demonstrate God’s heroic “spiritual gene”, through loving those who can’t do anything for you. That makes survival heroic.

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