PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Jesus, Joseph, David, and You

Both Joseph and David have been compared to Jesus Christ. If that can be done, then can we compare David and Joseph to each other?
Before analyzing these two bio-narratives, what is the purpose of such an exercise here? It helps show:
1. God continuously retelling similar stories with different characters.
2. God records these same lessons for His purposes and our instruction
3. God’s divine hand is active in history.
Now, are Joseph and David’s lives comparable?
1. Both were shepherds (Gen.37:2; 1 Samuel 16:11).
2. Both were young at the time of their “calling” (Gen.37:5; 1 Samuel 16:11).
3. Both were to bring reports of their brothers to their fathers (Gen.37:2; 1 Samuel 17:18).
4. Both had arguments with their brothers (Gen.37:8; 1 Sam17:28-29).
5. Both were chosen by God (Gen.50:12; 1 Sam.16:12).
6. Both gave God the credit (Gen.40:8; 41:16; 1 Sam.17:37,46).
7. Both saved their nations (Gen.50:12; 1 Samuel 17:52).
8. Both were rewarded the king’s daughters (Gen.41:39-44; 1 Sam 17:25; 18:20-23).
9. Both avoided the temptation to harm their masters (Gen.39:9; 1 Sam.24:3-4).
10. Both were innocent yet “punished” (Gen.40:15; 1 Sam.19:1).
11. Both became rulers (Gen.42;39-44; 1 Sam.16:13).
There might be more, and I wonder if the following is a stretch:
• Both narratives had dreams play a role – God communicated with Pharaoh by dreams but would not communicate with King Saul by dreams (Gen.37,40,41; 1 Sam.28:6,16).
This is more than a lesson in how to study the Bible. For spiritual growth how does your life connect to these two men? Do you see any similarities? If so, how does it feel to have anything in common with these two men who had so much in common with Jesus?
Whether you can find any comparisons, look for how God is acting in your life. Like God worked in theirs to help us see Jesus in the OT, how is God helping others see Jesus through you?

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