PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Don’t Think Preachers

Don’t think preachers who go deep into the word as being ivory-tower and out of touch with the common Christian; and then marvel at the depth of the gospel of John compared to Mark, and Isaiah over Jeremiah, and Paul versus James.
Don’t think preachers should just make a list telling others how we ought to behave; when they need to teach us to base all behaviors on God and how He behaves.
Don’t think preachers are holier than you; or your lowly employee.
Don’t think preachers never experience the same lows and temptations everyone else does; but don’t look down on them when they share they do.
Do think preachers deserve to be treated how you want others to treat you. A famous preacher said something like that.

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