PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Which Story is This?

1. It’s about a father and son.
2. The phrase “here I am” is repeated.
3. There is a substitution. 
4. There is “deception”.
5. There is a blessing.
6. An animal plays an intricate role.
7. There is an intent to kill a family member).
8. Following the story, there is another about getting a wife, but not marrying a wife from a certain land.
Actually this is two stories, both from Genesis. Much to my surprise, they don’t appear on the surface to have had that much in common. Have you figured it out? The first story is the binding/sacrifice of Isaac (22). The second deals with Jacob stealing the blessing (27). Read again to find these likenesses. 
What’s the point of displaying the similarities of these two disparate stories? This is how Genesis (and much of the Bible) is written: same story, different characters. Pointing this out is a study method which when seen helps you see God’s hand in the telling of the narratives. And in these particular stories they have the same point – God intervening in history as He directs the physical line through whom the Messiah would come.

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