PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

After the Cross

It was customary practice in a Roman crucifixion for the prisoner to be forced to carry his own cross. Jesus carried His own cross until the weight and effects from the scourging made Him stumble. So don’t soften the frightening scene appearing in the minds of the disciples when Jesus said, “Whoever does not bear his own cross…” (CSB’17 Luke 14:27). With all the real crosses a common scene, this image was one of real death to the hearers; and not just inconvenience.
Yet shockingly Jesus doesn’t end there: “and come after me.” How can a disciple die on a cross and yet “come after Me”? That’s impossible! Unless….
Maybe I am reading too much into this, but I think Jesus is hinting at more than “speaking figuratively here in the context of rejection” (NET Notes), because we must first reject ourselves! If our priority is not one of total allegiance to Jesus over self and all else, then one will not follow Him in the face of possible rejection of one’s actual life!
I think Jesus incongruent statement is the heart of the gospel. Jesus carried His own cross and had three days later experienced an “after”!
As my friend said, “Following Jesus is not a life and death decision. It is a death and life decision!” Carrying our own cross leads to life!

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