PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Headship Part of Creation or Fall?

For those who believe that Adam’s headship did not exist prior to the fall, please consider the following questions:
1. Who did the serpent talk to? Eve.
2. Who decided the fruit was good to eat? Eve.
3. Who decided the fruit was pleasant to look at? Eve.
4. Who decided the forbidden fruit was able to make one wise? Eve.
5. Who ate the forbidden fruit first? Eve.
6. Who gave the forbidden fruit to their spouse? Eve.
7. Who does God speak to first in the garden after both ate and sinned? Adam.
8. Who does Paul always blame for sin entering into the world? Adam.
9. Based upon God speaking to Adam first and Paul blaming Adam, who does divine knowledge give more responsibility to in the fall? Adam.
10. If Eve was the leader in the actions that led to the fall, then why does God and Paul blame Adam more than Eve? Adam abdicated his responsibility as leader even though he was not deceived but Eve was. That’s why Adam receives the greater condemnation.

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