PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis and Church Issues

Etiology, Genesis, and “Issues” – Ever wonder why the Genesis writer includes pericopes on the origin of Moab and Ammon through Lot’s incestuous daughters? Or why any time is spent on Ishmael’s descendants or Esau’s? After all, Genesis was written for the Israelites. Etiology is the study of why something is written about the past, but for its modern audience. Knowing why things are, helps us better understand our current situations through understanding the past. The past helps define the present, as the present does the future. Strange, how Genesis can help us (at least me) with church “issues.”

In the wilderness and after taking Canaan, there was bad blood between Israel and her neighbors Ammon, Moab, and Edom. Why did they war against one another? Why the animosity? History teaches their origins which helps explain why. It also teaches something quite extraordinary – Israel, Ammon, Moab, and Edom were all…related!

Of some church “issues”, some younger people are not even aware, others currently see animosity, while older generations still feel the hurt. History helps explain. History can also remind us all those baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of their sins are related despite the divisions.

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