PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 1:1-3 – In the Beginning of our New Beginning

Is my new creation like this old creation? By going back to the old creation in Genesis 1:1-3, we find this progression:
1. God is the creator who brings into existence something out of nothing (1:1).
2. Creation begins with chaos, being formless, empty, and dark…and yet God’s Spirit is there providing hope for the future (1:2).
3. Order begins with light overcoming darkness (1:3). The light brings God’s goodness.
This is just the beginning of “in the beginning”.
In these three historical facts we find these three universal truths:
1. I recognize there is a powerful creator God (1:1).
2. My life is chaos, void, formless, and darkened by sin; and yet I am not alone (1:2).
3. God provides the Light that starts bringing order (1:3).
That is just the good beginning and beginning of good.
When looking for Jesus in old creation, these three historical facts and universal truths become personalized in new creation. When I am baptized all this is repeated. It is not a coincidence that old creation begins being covered by water, wherein God brings order out of chaos through His Spirit and the Light who is Jesus. This is also how new creation begins.
Where are you in this narrative?
1. Do you believe there is a God?
2. Is your life chaos, and yet you are willing to have the Spirit’s hope in the future?
3. Have you let the Light start bringing order into your life?
If you haven’t been covered by water’s baptism, new creation is waiting to begin anew. Are you ready for a new beginning?

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