PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Philippians – Life Is Like Disney World

If you have ever been to Disneyland, Disney World, or just about any amusement park, you might find some amusement in these observations.

An author once wrote, “Life is tough…it’s no Disneyland.” 

The author is correct in assessing “life is tough.”  And yet from my “back-door perspective,” may I suggest life is very much like Disney!

Everything Is Expensive – It takes around $200, give or take a lot, for a family of four to just get through the gates. Before you get to do anything, you are $200 poorer.  But that is what life is all about.  Paying the cost (i.e. working), before riding (i.e. pleasure) (Matthew 20:1-16).  And yet, we know that too many make the costly – literally – mistake of “buy now, pay later.”  Be careful, pay the cost before riding!  Work before buying!

Long Lines – Not considering the “Fast Pass” (one kid said we needed a “Faster Pass!”) one visit we “lucked out” – the longest wait was about forty-five minutes – unless I passed out and just don’t remember….  Vacations at Disney World (and most any amusement parks), waiting is how everybody spends the majority of their day – waiting and walking. This teaches patience. Now honestly, isn’t much of life spent waiting, learning patience?  (James 5:10-11)

Short Rides – Finally the wait is over, and almost as soon as you get seated, the ride is over.  Seldom does a ride last longer than we want – unless it is making us nauseas!  In life, experience rarely lives up to our expectations. And yet, we get right back in line again don’t we?! Thankfully, no matter what our expectation of heaven, our experience will surpass all! (2 Corinthians 5)

Complaining Kids (and Adults) – I won’t say we complained…too much, but as we all know heat, humidity, waiting, walking, all lead to ill tempers – and we even got rained on three different days during one of our visits. Ill-tempers lead to the “I’m hungry’s;” and “I’m tired’s.” Looking at all the glamour is what gets people to Disney World.  That glamour leads to the “got-to-have-it’s”.  More money or just more complaining ensues.  “No,” “no,” “no,” is probably said by more parents in one day at Disney than in an entire day anywhere else in the world!  Isn’t much of life spent not getting everything we want? (Philippians 4:11-13)  How we handle disappointment is what makes life good or bad.

Exhausting Days – Life is tough – and yet who doesn’t want to live – or go to Disney.  Even having fun is hard work – we were exhausted!   Even Paul got tired (Philippians 1:22).

Fun – Can you imagine the mental anguish if someone actually kept track of the time riding and watching shows versus the time walking and waiting?  Do we really want to know how little time we actually spent having fun?  And yet, to do so misses much of the point of going – spending time together.  And yet again, understanding that is a perspective that comes with age.  Ask a child, “What was your favorite part?” and you will get a barrage of answers as large and as varied as the number of children you ask.  And I can almost guarantee that it won’t be – “I enjoyed spending more time with my parents!”  Ask a parent, and the answer is much more predictable – “I enjoyed spending time with the family.”  Ask a child, and the best parts are what they enjoyed.  Ask a parent, and the joy is watching through their children’s eyes.  Just as physical maturity can teach us much, spiritual maturity can bless us with an entirely different perspective on life…and even death (Philippians 1:21-23)

Souvenirs – Why do people buy souvenirs?  Some choose them for sentimental value, others for their long-tem value.  Others simply buy what catches their eye – especially kids.  Whether it is for comfort, or convenient size, or favorite characters, or as a gift for a loved one, souvenirs are big business.  People buy them because they can’t take the whole park home with them!  When we die, we can’t take our souvenirs of life with us – except for our eternal soul – an everlasting memento of our stay here on earth (Matthew 25:46).

And finally, the last comparison is, it is worth it all in the end. Yes, life is like Disney World…as long as you understand what Disney World is really like! (2 Timothy 4:7-8) 



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