PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 4 – The Church of You

If we can – join the church of our choice, choose which worship style fits us, and all that matters is we are sincere – then we have become our own God.
This is one of the temptations within all three Jesus faced in the Wilderness:
1. Turn the stones to bread instead of relying on God to provide.
2. Jump off the temple pinnacle to make God answer to you.
3. Trade God’s hard plan for this world’s life of ease, and worship the god of this world.
In each Satan is asking Jesus to become his own God.
Satan does the same temptations for us in church:
1. A church that provides all your physical needs; no need to hunger and thirst after righteousness.
2. A church that performs acts of entertainment to gain crowds; no need to submit our ways to God’s.
3. A church that pleases you with the world’s message of ease; no need to crucify the flesh.
Temptations don’t always appear evil. “The Church of You” is very religous. Satan can be quite an amazing preacher!

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