PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 22:35-40 – What Makes Life Worthwhile

A certain topic has been on my mind lately. Only two things make life worthwhile. A long list of what those two things are not could fill the book of Ecclesiastes. What are those 2 worthwhile events?
My mind keeps cataloguing specifics that fall under the first and second Great Commands (Mt.22). These 2 life defining endeavors fall neatly under the first and second Great Commands. What are they?
The first answer is: Serving God. In Paul’s sermon, he concluded about David: “For David, after serving God’s purpose in his own generation, fell asleep” (Acts 13:36). One old preacher said he wanted that on his tombstone: “He served God’s purpose in his own generation.” A life without serving God is superficial.
The second answer is: Loving Family. Not trying to exclude others as our “neighbors” (2nd Great Command), but there is something special about family love for me. Now that such includes grandchildren, the love is brand new again…literally. Not everyone has this second blessing yet for them life can be fill up the 2nd Great Command in many ways. That’s why I admire and respect those who work with the homeless, addicts, prisoners, and such.
So serving and loving. Those two events make life special.

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