PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 22:26-40 – The Two Great Commands and the Crucifixion

I just watched a dramatization of Jesus’s crucifixion. It finally dawned on me (forgive me for I am slow) how it exemplifies the exact opposite of the 1st and 2nd Great Commands (Mt.22:36-40): 1) Love God with all your heart, soul, mind; 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.
Jesus died for our sins. Therefore the cross shows how little our love for God can be while also showing how devilish our sins are before God. This affront to love is because of the existence, frequency, and depths of our sins. Our selfish sin is the opposite of showing love for God.
Jesus died a cruel death. Therefore the manner of death, caused by the petty jeaously of Jewish leaders and political fear of a Gentile Roman leader, all show how little they loved their neighbor. The Nazarene, in their world, was beneath them.
Looking at the crucified Jesus in these 2 ways is filled with self in breaking both commands. I regret that it has taken me so long to understand how the 2 Great Commands are part of everything. I knew it before, but now I am beginning to see.

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