PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

John 6 – Passover, Meal – Sea Miracle – Manna

John’s gospel often tells stories in two’s. Reading John 6, I wondered why is the sign of walking on water right in the middle of the story of feeding the 5000 and the Sermon on the Manna? Chronology cannot be the only answer for many chronological details are left out. So…the beginning of John 6 occurs around the Passover (6:4), this is when we have the feeding of the 5000. The end of the chapter, starting in verse 22 is a dialogue on manna, with people asking for signs…very reminiscent of Israel with their constant demanding and complaining with God sending manna. What happened in between? The miracles of the sea: The dividing of the Red Sea and Jesus walking on the water. Jesus’ sea miracle is right in between the mention of the Passover, a meal, and manna, just like in Exodus. Except Jesus doesn’t walk through the sea on dry land. Jesus walks on top. Guess you could say, Jesus “tops” the Moses.

Here is another connection. In Ex.14:13 Moses says, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and see the LORD’s (Yahweh’s) salvation.” In John 6:20 Jesus says, “It is I (lit., I am). Don’t be afraid.”

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