PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

John 12-13 – The Last Suppers of Jesus

  1. Both happen “before” the Passover, but the first supper is six days before, and the second one right before the Passover (12:1; 13:1).
  2. Both take place at supper/dinner (12:2; 13:2).
  3. The disciples are there (12:4; 13:5).
  4. Martha was serving (12:2), but no one mentioned as serving.
  5. Men were reclining around the table (12:2; 13:23).
  6. Mary anoints the feet of Jesus (12:3); Jesus washes the feet of the disciples 13:5).
  7. Mary dries the feet of Jesus with her hair (12:3); Jesus dries the feet of the disciples with a towel (13:5).
  8. The Master is served (12:2); the Master serves (12:14)
  9. Judas asks Jesus a question about the anointing (12:5); Peter asks Jesus a question about the foot washing (13:6).
  10. 10. Judas objects to Mary’s act (12:5); Peter objects to Jesus’ act (13:6-8). (Interestingly the disciples other than Peter do not object to Jesus washing their feet).
  11. Judas Iscariot is prominent in both stories (12:4; 13:2,26-29).
  12. The poor are mentioned as part of the narrative (12:4,7;13:29).
  13. Judas is mentioned as keeper of the moneybag (12:6; 13:29).
  14. 14. Jesus’ betrayal is mentioned (12:4; 13:21).
  15. 15. Jesus speaks or knows of His death (12:7; 13:1).
  16. 16. Judas deceives the others as being reliable (John’s statement is hindsight in 12:4,613:26).

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