PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Sleep Well in the Cemetery

Every time we use the word “cemetery”, whether we know it or not, we are affirming a grand theological truth. Concerning the word “cemetery” notice this from Etymology Online:
“Early Christian writers were the first to use it for “burial ground,” though the Greek word also had been anciently used in reference to the sleep of death.”
Death is but a sleeping until Jesus returns (1 Thessalonians 4-5). When you visit a graveyard, you are visiting much more than what that word implies – a dug out ditch. You are visiting a cemetery, a place of rest until the spirit returns with Christ to be reunited with its body.
Isn’t it wonderful how influenced English is by that theological truth? Sleep well, brothers and sisters. Jesus will wake you in His time.

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