PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

“Garage Stays”?

“Garage Stays”. That’s what the advertisement read for a house for sale. I’ve heard of “garage sales” which contrary to the obvious meaning of “garage sale” doesn’t mean the garage is for sale! But “garage stays”?
So I read more. The fuller description did indeed say, “garage stays”. However, that was just part of the sentence. The fuller sentence read, “The refrigerator in the garage stays”. Now that makes better sense!
Is there a spiritual lesson here? Obviously, the garage stays, the point of emphasis is, “the refrigerator…stays.” There is a verse in Bible that is hotly debated (sadly there are many!). It’s Acts 2:38 – “Repent and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
What’s the most important part of that verse? What is the emphasis?
I suggest that it is not repentance because the Jews knew about repentance. Necessary? Yes. The central point? No.
I likewise suggest it isn’t baptism either because the Jews regularly practiced baptism, which they called mikvahs. Necessary? Yes. The central point? No.
Is it baptism “for” forgiveness of sins? That is what they are seeking, but again, obeying God’s commands to be forgiven wasn’t anything new to the Jews. They had a history of offering sacrifices for forgiveness of sins. Necessary? Yes. The central point? No.
All the above is like, “the garage “. The point of emphasis in Peter’s sermon was all this was done “in the name of Jesus” because God had made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Messiah (Acts 236).
The point was the refrigerator stays. And the point is Jesus Christ saves.

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