PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Praying 1 Thessalonians 3:2 – Be A Timothy

PRAYER: Dear God, I want to be like Timothy, a brother or sister, who is considered by others as trustworthy, who is your partner in your gospel, encourager to others in faith. Amen.
TEXT: “And we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s coworker in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you concerning your faith,” (CSB’17 1 Thessalonians 3:2)
DEVOTIONAL: Notice these 4 things about Timothy and apply them personally: 1) Timothy is, and is recognized as is, in the family of God. Are we? 2) Timothy is chosen. If others could choose one person to send to another church to check on their well-being, would it us? Are we the type of person to be chosen? What a privilege! Timothy is trustworthy. 3) Depending on your translation, notice the description of Timothy – “God’s co-worker”. What a privilege! Timothy is a partner with God in his glorious gospel Are we? 4) God never assigned anyone in the church to be the official “discourager”, Timothy is the opposite. Are we encouragers? I want to be like Timothy.

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