PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Corinthians – Choosing A Church Based on Worldliness

When we think of worldliness, we probably don’t think of how we choose a church. In fact, we might think of people who don’t go to church, want nothing to do with “those hypocrites”, and maybe don’t even in believe in God. But then I got to thinking….
1. Should we biblically expand our understanding of “worldliness?”
2. Could we be guilty of worldliness unknowingly and even sincerely?
3. Could worldliness be the reason why some choose a certain church?
Along this line of thinking, there are two types of “worldly” churches. Those that offer a:
1. Worldly Lifestyle
2. Worldly Worship
3. Maybe both!
This is where defining worldliness is essential. Paul said the Corinthians were “still worldly” (1 Cor.3:3). Please notice he is talking about a church. Therefore worldliness is not foreign to believers. This church will be mentioned again. And again.
Now, what made them “worldly”? They were not being changed spiritually but were, “behaving like mere humans” (3:3). They were acting just like before they were baptized because the gospel had only become a historical reality, but not a life-altering reality.
Two ways people can continue to be worldly are:
1. Living according to the flesh in lifestyles that are physically (and even emotionally) pleasing.
2. Worshipping according to the flesh, that is focusing on what pleases us even if we are sincerely deceived such mechanisms please God.
Neither method is living in submission to God, nor focusing on being different than we were before.
Choosing a church fitting with worldliness in lifestyle can apply to the sexual sins of every era and modern gender identities. And many are cheering me on in saying this! However, this mindset also applies to those churches that allow gossip, greed, and social severance from and neglect of the poor. All these sins have their focus on personal preferences. That’s worldliness. Much of 1 Corinthians covers both kinds of sins (chs.5,11, for example).
Choosing a church fitting with worldliness in worship might sound contradictory and impossible. Think about it, are we focused on “styles” of worship we prefer more than submitting to glorifying God? Are churches more about serving our preferences than in us submitting to one another and God? This can run the gamut of American Idol style music, to Glamor Shot Preachers, to the less obvious – short, esthetically pleasing services because, “I can only give the Lord 59 minutes and want to enjoy those 59 minutes.” Then there is the ease of staying home and watching electronically? Remember when Christians would mock all those watching televangelists? Now many have become tel-believers. And again, see 1 Corinthians (i.e., ch.1,14).
There is more than one way to practice “will worship” (Colossians 2:23 – KJV).
What both choices have in common is each is “sensuous”, meaning, “anything that is pleasing to the senses”. So as you can see, worldly living and worldly worship are connected by the same flaw – focus on pleasing our “selves”.
“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, while we wait for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. He gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for himself a people for his own possession, eager to do good works. Proclaim these things; encourage and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you.” (CSB’17 Titus 2:11-15)

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