PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts is About Who

Acts is not just about how we are saved; it is about who can be saved.
Acts has been coined, “the book of conversions”. If we learn how people are saved (by grace – 15:11); and when people are saved (in baptism – 2:38; 22:16); we’ve learned two central points…2 out of three. For some that’s all they learn. But Acts is not just a book of conversions on how and when; it is a guidebook on who can be saved.
[ ] The very religious who still need Jesus (2).
[ ] The culturally inferior (6) as seen in the dispute between the Hebraic and Hellenistic Jews (Hellenists had been “infected” by the world’s standards).
[ ] The mixed raced and socially unacceptable (Samaritans – 8).
[ ] The racially different (ancient Ethiopia is modern day Sudan), those excluded and physically defective (eunuch) (8).
[ ] The ones with “government blood” on their hands, who were religiously and racially “other”, and changed by trying to be good morally whichb2as not enough (Cornelius the Gentile centurion – 10).
[ ] The ones who were religous terrorists (Paul – Acts 8-9).
Did you notice the racial progression as the gospel reached those ranging from pure Jews, to mixed, to pure Gentiles? Did you notice the progression of reaching those who were culturally and religiously right to those further away. Did you notice how all were saved the saved way despite their differences? History shows that this acceptance ascseen in Acts of those different has not always been re-lived in other eras. Every generation needs to learn Acts is also about who can be saved, those who are different. That includes those who are not like “me”.

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