PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts 20:27 – Maintaining Balance

I wonder if there is any greater challenge than balance. This search for balance exists in every aspect of life: work versus family; responsibility versus freedom; chores versus fun; praise versus constructive criticism; etc.

If balance is difficult in every aspect of life, then should we expect it in spiritual areas too? If one truth is emphasized more than another truth, are not both equally unbalanced? It gets to the point that people see everything through their own doctrinally colored glasses.

If truth (2 John 9) is emphasized more than love (1 John 4:16); or love (1 John 4:16) more than truth; if baptism is emphasized more than repentance, or repentance more than baptism; if grace more than obedience, or obedience more than grace; if authority dominates liberty or liberty eliminates authority; if practical points keep us from studying in-depth, or  technical studies keep us sitting in pews; if, if, if…. Each of us must examine ourselves.

Paul said, “for I did not shrink back from declaring to you the whole plan of God” (Acts 20.27 HCSB)

The success of Paul is definitely our challenge, one easier said than done. We tend as humans to settle our minds into one way of thinking, failing to see how other ways can compliment instead of contradict. We also become “cultured” into certain topics.

Balance in beliefs and in teaching does not come naturally any more than balance in learning to walk or ride a bicycle comes naturally.

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