PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts 2 – What is Happening on the Day of Pentecost?

What is happening on the Day of Pentecost? While the answer can be stated in many ways, may I suggest one way is noticing an interesting connection I hadn’t seen before. In Acts 2:2, inspiration uses the word “pnoe” to describe the sound of the rushing “wind” indicating the apostles being filled with the Holy Spirit. This word is used only one other time in the NT (Acts 17:25) describing how God gives the “breath” of life to all. So, the word “pnoe” means wind or breath. Where else does this word occur? In the LXX (Greek OT) it is used to describe when God “breathed” life into Adam. What is going on in Acts 2? Just another hint from God that this is “new creation”.
When people object to inspiration saying the Bible is just written by men, they miss so many little hints showing that this collection of writings over 2 thousand years, by 40 or so authors, is guided by the hand of God. No other book is like it!

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